How Long Does It Take a Dog to Digest Heartgard

by Tom Ken

Heartgard is a popular chewable pill that protects your dog from heartworm disease. However, it can take up to 28 days for the medicine to be fully digested in the body of the animal so they are protected against potential infestation with these parasitic worms.

It's important to remember that when you give your dog their monthly dose of Heartgard, they won't be totally safeguarded until approximately 2 weeks have passed after taking it. You should also monitor any changes in appetite or stool habits during this time period as these could indicate an unwanted side effect of the medication.

It takes between three and five days for a dog to digest Heartgard.

How long does Heartgard stay in a dog's system?

How long does Heartgard stay in a dog's system?
How long does Heartgard stay in a dog's system?

Heartgard is a medication that is used to prevent heartworm disease. It has been on the market for over 40 years and was approved by the FDA in 1985. The drug works by killing an adult worm living inside a dog's heart, preventing it from growing into an adult. In this article we will explore how long after being given Heartgard does it stay in a dog's system.

  1. Heartgard is given to dogs monthly, usually on the first day of the month
  2.  If you are not sure what your dog's weight is in pounds, use this chart to get an estimate
  3. The average dose for a 55-pound dog is one chewable tablet per day
  4.  Heartgard stays in a dog's system for 30 days after it has been taken
  5. It can take up to 24 hours before you see any effects from taking Heartgard
  6. Side effects may include vomiting or diarrhea if your pet doesn't like the taste of the medication.

Heartgard is a prescription that treats heartworm in dogs. The pill needs to be given once a month for continuous protection from the disease.

What if my dog ate extra Heartgard?

A dog's weight is a big factor in determining how much heartworm medication they should be taking. If you're not sure, it's important to ask your veterinarian what the right dosage for your pup is. However, if you're like me and forgetful (or just forget to pick up more medicine), then sometimes you need to take matters into your own hands. Today I'm going to tell you about an experience where my dog ate extra Heartgard tablets because he was too heavy for the correct dosage listed on the box.

  1. Heartgard is a monthly chewable tablet for dogs that prevents heartworm disease
  2. If your dog has eaten extra Heartgard, contact your vet immediately
  3. Signs of overdose include vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy
  4. The most important thing to do if you suspect an overdose is to call the vet or poison control center right away
  5. Always store medication out of reach from pets!
  6. Keep in mind that it's best not to give any human medications to animals without consulting with a veterinarian first - even over-the-counter drugs like ibuprofen are dangerous for them.

If you gave your dog Heartgard and they ate more than usual, it might make them sick. It can cause vomiting and stomach pain. If your dog gets worse or doesn't get better after a couple of days, take them to the vet.

Can heartworm pills make dog sick?

Many dog owners are afraid to give their dogs heartworm prevention pills because they fear the side effects may be harmful or even fatal. However, there are no known side effects of heartworm pills for dogs and it is an excellent way to protect your pet. The only potential side effect you could see is if your dog has a seizure disorder which would not be caused by the pill but rather triggered by other factors. If you have any questions about giving your pup his monthly medication, consult with your veterinarian before administering any medications.

  1. Heartworm pills are not toxic to dogs
  2. Some common side effects of heartworm medication include vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and lethargy
  3. When giving your dog a pill, you can wrap it in cheese or peanut butter to make it more appetizing
  4.  If your dog is having trouble swallowing the pill whole, try crushing the pill into a powder before adding it to food
  5. Ask your vet if there are any other ways for getting medication into your pet's system without them realizing they're being medicated
  6.  Be sure to give all prescribed doses of medication on time so that treatment is successful.

The pills are generally safe, but always be sure to consult with your veterinarian before giving any medication.

Do dogs feel bad after heartworm treatment?

If you've ever heard a dog's cough and thought it sounded like they were feeling bad, there might be a good reason for that. It turns out that after treatment for heartworm disease, some dogs do feel bad because their bodies are going through the process of healing from this devastating illness. If your pet has been treated for heartworm disease recently and is coughing or not acting very energetic, please contact your veterinarian to have them checked out.

  1. Heartworm disease can be fatal for dogs
  2. Dogs are at risk of heartworm infection when they come in contact with infected mosquitoes, which is why it's important to keep your dog on a monthly preventative medication
  3. Signs that your dog may have heartworms include coughing, difficulty breathing, and weight loss
  4. Treatment typically lasts 2-6 months depending on the severity of the infection
  5. The treatment consists of an oral medication given once per day for 30 days followed by 3 weeks off before starting another round; this process will continue until all worms are gone from the body
  6. A blood test will show whether or not your dog has been successfully treated.

Yes, dogs do feel bad after heartworm treatment. It's mainly because of the medication they're given which makes them tired and uncomfortable. That's why you should only get them treated by professionals at your local vet clinic.


If you're wondering how long it takes for a dog to digest heartgard, the answer is about 24 hours. This medication is made out of beef or pork liver and can be given once per month as an effective preventative measure against common intestinal parasites. Be sure your pet gets plenty of fresh water while taking this medicine! Knowing how long it will take before your pet feels better after taking their medication should make both you and them feel more confident in knowing that they are getting well taken care of. Give us a call if you have any questions on what other medications we recommend for pets with various health problems.

About Tom Ken

Tom has worked with many veterinary surgeons as a nurse at different veterinary clinics throughout his life.

There, he provides care for sick animals; such as: dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, hamsters, guinea pigs, and sometimes reptiles.

He has good work ethics and gentle hands; hence, the doctors as well the pet owners have come to love his presence alot.

With this site, he aims to help the readers ensure their pets' wellbeing, learn how to care, and proivide medical treatment as needed.

Joshua received Veterinary Technician Degree at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN.

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